Senaste iNorden AI-nyheter

No credit card required

Version-Release Notes – Change Logs:

02.06.2024 - v5.3
- New: RestAPI added - Beta
- Update: profile page credits view updated
- Update: AI Chat credit view improved
- Update: Chat/Template credit dynamically changed based on selected models
- Fix: Fine Tune creation issue fixed
- Fix: User Custom Chat Assistant files view page issue fixed
- Fix: Custom Chat setting as favorite issue fixed
- Fix: Custom Chat category visibility improved

17.05.2024 - v5.2 - New: GPT 4o added - New: Personal API feature for Anthropic Claude 3 option added - New: Personal API feature for Google Gemini Pro option added - Fix: Gemini chatbot streaming response issue fixed - Fix: Dark mode styles improved 05.05.2024 - v5.1 - New: Openai Custom Chatbot Assistant v2 with native vector search capabilities added - New: Adding files for custom chatbot assistant v2 at run time option added - Update: User default model setting updated with Gemini Pro model 02.05.2024 - v5.0 - New: Google Gemini Pro added - New: Stable Diffusion 3.0 (SD3) / Stable Diffusion 3.0 Turbo (SD3 Turbo) / Stable Image Core (Core) models added - Fix: Team member adding issue fixed - Fix: AI Rewrite credit calculation issue fixed - Fix: AI Vision processing issue fixed - Fix: Custom template processing issue fixed 29.04.2024 - v4.9.2 - Update: User setting default model option added - Fix: Subscription plan deletion feature fixed - Fix: Credit calculation issue fixed 27.04.2024 - v4.9.1 - Update: Matching default model with the model list in chats updated - Update: Matching default model with the model list in templates updated - Fix: File chat view issue fixed - Fix: Web chat view issue fixed - Fix: AI Vision view issue fixed - Fix: Article Wizard view issue fixed - Fix: Prepaid credits display issue fixed 26.04.2024 - v4.9 - New: Claude 3 added (Anthropic) - New: Custom Models for Chat Bots feature added - New: Custom Models for Templates feature added - New: Direct subscription upgrade feature added - New: AI Image prompts feature added - New: Setting individual fixed model per template option added - New: Setting individual fixed model per chatbot option added - New: Added support for new gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09 model - New: Brand Voices for AI Chat feature added - New: Advanced credit calculation system based on models added - Update: Subscription during registration process mechanism improved - Update: Subscription cancellation mechanism improved - Update: Frontend AI Tools Section adding option updated - Update: User can change AI models dynamically during text generation tasks - Update: User email opt in/out option added - Update: Newsletter unsubscribe option added in emails - Update: AI Chat page layout improvements - Update: AI Vision enhancements - Update: AI File Chat enhancements - Update: AI Web Chat enhancements - Fix: File and Document deletion period not saving issues fixed - Fix: Fixed visibility of other custom templates on the top menu bar - Fix: Clouflare R2 view results issue fixed 08.04.2024 - v4.8 - New: Email Templates features added - New: Stable Diffusion XL 2.2.2 Beta model added - Update: Performance and loadtime improvements - Update: User Custom Chat Assistants personal API key usage improved - Update: User Custom Templates personal API key usage improved - Update: Voice clone deletion option added - Fix: Team member creation issue fixed - Fix: Mobile top menu issue on Android devices fixed 25.03.2024 - v4.7 - New: Internet access to Templates feature added - Update: Support for gpt-4-0125-preview model was added - Fix: Smart editor dark mode issue fixed - Fix: Custom AI Assistant - category list corrected to show Chat Categories - Fix: Invoice total due value fixed - Fix: License deactivation issue fixed - Fix: Custom Template creation issue fixed - Fix: Custom Chats setting as favorite issue fixed 17.03.2024 - v4.6 - Fix: AI Chat listen support for personal API keys improved - Fix: AI Vision support for personal API keys improved
08.03.2024 - v4.5.1
     - Fix: AI Vision upload button issue fixed
     - Fix: Team member feature visibility issue fix
     - Fix: Custom templates issue fix
     - Fix: Custom chat issue fix
     - Fix: Login/Registration dark mode
issues fix
07.03.2024 - v4.5
     - New: User personal custom AI Chat Bot creation feature added (Openai Assistant)
     - New: User personal custom Template creation feature added
     - New: User personal AI Chat bot training file support (c, cpp, docx, html, java, md, php, pptx, py, rb, tex, css, js, gif, tar, ts, xlsx, xml, zip, pdf, csv, txt, json)
     - Update: Security improvements
24.02.2024 - v4.4
     - New: AI Plagiarism Checker added
     - New: AI Content Detector added
     - Fix: Voice clone visibility for other users fixed
20.02.2024 - v4.3
     - Fix: AI Image to Video button text improved
19.02.2024 - v4.2
     - New: Voice Cloning feature added 
     - New: Sound Studio feature added 
     - New: AI Image to Video feature added
     - New: AI File Chat feature added
     - New: MS Word files support for AI File Chat feature added
     - Update: Smart Editor Mobile responsiveness improved
     - Update: AI Chat PDF/CSV merged into AI File Chat feature
     - Update: AI Chat PDF/CSV/Web page refresh issue improved
     - Update: Smart Editor missing translation words added
     - Update: Security improvements
     - Fix: AI Assistant language response issue fixed on all AI features
- v4.1 - Update: Smart Editor Mobile responsiveness improved 
    - Update: Smart Editor Search field added for templates dropdown menu 
    - Fix: Export in MS Word issue fixed 
    - Fix: Smart Editor Template details view issue fixed
05.02.2024 - v4.0
     - New: Smart Editor feature added
     - New: AI ReWriter feature added
     - Update: Orignal Templates view updated
     - Update: Custom Templates view updated
     - Fix: Custom Template view issue fix
     - Fix: AI Chat Web mobile css issue fix
29.01.2024 - v3.9
     - Update: Personal API key support added for AI Chat Web/PDF/CSV features
     - Update: Balance check improved for AI Chat Web/PDF/CSV features
26.01.2024 - v3.8
     - New: AI Chat PDF feature added
     - New: AI Chat CSV feature added
     - New: AI Web Chat feature added
     - Fix: Counting character credits for AI Chat TTS feature improved
     - Fix: Counting image credits for Chat Image improved
     - Fix: AI Chat minor issue with enter button fixed
01.01.2024 - v3.6
     - New: ElevenLabs Text to Speech Feature added
     - Update: AI Vision
     - Update: AI Article Wizard
     - Fix: Displaying first generated AI Image without refresh is fixed

25.12.2023 - v3.5
     - New: AI Vision feature added
     - Update: AI Chats support for image processing feature added
     - Update: AI Chats generated tables view updated
     - Update: AI Chats mobile view updated
     - Fix: AI Wizard image counting and balance protection fixed
21.12.2023 - v3.4.1
     - Update: Correct language reponse in AI Article Wizard updated
     - Update: Advanced options for AI Wizard keeps the changes till the end
     - Fix: AI Article Wizard issue with GPT 4 Turbo fixed
     - Fix: Document result view show images for AI Article Wizard results fixed
     - Fix: AI Images view issue fix (new installations only)
18.12.2023 - v3.4
     - New: Multistep AI Article Wizard added
     - Update: Requirement for symlink removed
     - Update: Referral supported for social media logins and registrations
     - Update: Registered via emails initially can now login with their social media accounts as well
     - Update: Removed support for deprecated SD models: stable-diffusion-v1-5, stable-diffusion-512-v2-1, stable-diffusion-768-v2-1
     - Update: Added support for new SD model: stable-diffusion-v1-6
     - Fix: Login page accessibility for logged user fixed
     - Fix: Registration page accessibility for logged user fixed
     - Fix: AI Images SD Negative prompt feature issue fixed
     - Fix: AI Images negative balance for Unlimited sign issue fixed
22.11.2023 - v3.3
     - New: Stable Diffusion - Image to Image feature added
     - New: Stable Diffusion - Image Upscaling feature added
     - New: Stable Diffusion - Image Inpainting feature added
     - New: Stable Diffusion - Multi Prompting feature added
     - New: Stable Diffusion - Image Strength option in settings added for Image to Image feature
     - New: OpenAI - Image Inpainting feature added (Dalle 2 Only)
     - New: OpenAI - Image Variations feature added (Dalle 2 Only)
     - Fix: Voiceover properly handle unlimited characters fixed
     - Fix: Stable Diffusion - Generation Steps limits are improved
     - Fix: Frontend - Unlimited credit names are properly displayed
14.11.2023 - v3.2
     - New: OpenAI Text to Speech feature added
     - New: GCP 101 (65 Neural2; 6 Studio; 30 WaveNet) New Voices added
     - Update: AI Image view modal details updated
09.11.2023 - v3.1
     - New: GPT 4 Turbo model added for Templates and Chats
     - New: GPT 4 Turbo with Vision model added for Templates and Chats
     - New: Dalle-3 and Dalle-3 HD models added for AI Images
     - Update: Removed deprecated model - Ada, Babbage, Curie
06.11.2023 - v3.0
     - Update: Update user general and prepaid balances (increase/decrease)
02.11.2023 - v2.9
     - New: AI Chat template groups added
     - New: AI Chat prompts feature added
     - Update: AI Chat mobile responsiveness improved
     - Update: AI Chat table display improved
     - Update: AI Chat response copy button added
     - Update: AI Chat info banners updated
     - Update: AI Chat generated url links are clickable now
     - Update: AI Chat code view updated
     - Fix: Voiceover issue fix
     - Fix: Documents - Workbooks change issue fixed
     - Fix: AI Chat new conversation fix
     - Fix: AI Chat cyrillic words display fix
     - Fix: AI Image creation date fix
16.10.2023 - v2.8
     - New: Use your own personal Openai API key feature added
     - New: Use your own Stable Diffusion API key feature added
     - New: AI Chat conversation search option added
     - New: AI Chat assistant info line added
     - New: AI Chat voice input added
     - New: AI Chat code format highlighter
     - New: AI Chat stop feature added
     - New: Macedonian language added to templates
     - Update: Language change option added at login/registration pages
     - Update: AI Chat input field changed to textarea to support larger text inputs
     - Fix: Stripe for India issue fixed
     - Fix: Download button in the transcribe result page issue fixed
04.09.2023 - v2.7
     - New: AI Image creation page redesigned
     - New: Document view images page redesigned
     - New: Negative prompt added for Stable Diffusion
     - New: CFG Scale (prompt strength) added for Stable Diffusion
     - New: Diffusion Steps added for Stable Diffusion
     - Update: Count Chinese and Japanese words improved
     - Update: Performance of all select dropdowns improved
23.08.2023 - v2.6
     - Fix: Support pages view improved
24.07.2023 - v2.5
     - Update: Team members feature updated
     - Update: Templates max word length accuracy updated
     - Fix: Favorite templates & chats views fixed
16.07.2023 - v2.4 
      - New: Team Members feature added  
      - Fix: Template user notifications improved 
      - Fix: Youtube tag generator template improved 
      - Fix: Instagram hashtag generator template fixed 
      - Fix: Meta description generator template improved 
      - Fix: Dashboard setting templates as favorite improved 
      - Fix: Affiliate feature improved 
      - Fix: Voiceover delete synthesize result fix
02.07.2023 - v2.3
     - New: Template text streaming feature added
     - New: Stable diffusion SDXL v0.9 engine added
     - New: OpenAI GPT 4 model improved
     - New: OpenAI GPT 3.5 Turbo 16K model added
     - New: New tag added for original and custom templates
     - New: 15 New Languages: Tamil (Malaysia), Persian (Iran), English (UK), Slovak, Latvian, Albanian, Filipino, Khmer (Cambodia), Bangla, Bengali (India), Welsh, Catalan, Serbian, Maltese, Irish added
     - New: Text Extender templates added
     - New: Rewrite with Keywords templates added
     - New: Song Lyrics templates added
     - New: Business Ideas templates added
     - New: LinkedIn Posts templates added
     - New: Company Bio templates added
     - New: Email Subject Lines templates added
     - New: Product Benefits templates added
     - New: Selling Product Titles templates added
     - New: Product Comparisons templates added
     - New: Product Characteristics templates added
     - New: Twitter Tweets templates added
     - New: TitTok Video Scripts templates added
     - New: LinkedIn Ad Headlines templates added
     - New: LinkedIn Ad Descriptions templates added
     - New: App and SMS Notifications templates added
     - New: Tone Changer templates added
     - New: Amazon Product Features templates added
     - New: Dictionary templates added
     - New: Privacy Policy templates added
     - New: Terms and Conditions templates added
     - New: Clickbait Titles templates added
     - New: Company Press Release templates added
     - New: Brand/Product Press Release templates added
     - New: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) Framework templates added
     - New: Before–After–Bridge (BAB) Framework templates added
     - New: Promise–Picture–Proof–Push (PPPP) Framework templates added
     - New: Brand Names templates added
     - New: Ad Headlines templates added
     - New: Newsletter Generator templates added
     - Update: Side menu panel updated
     - Update: User credits view updated
     - Update: AI Voiceover characters view feature updated
     - Fix: Ai Voiceover result view audio play bar fixed
     - Fix: Saving stable diffusion main api key issue fixed
     - Fix: Dark mode payment tables css issue fixed
04.06.2023 - v2.2
     - New: Multi API keys for Openai added
     - New: Multi API keys for Stable Diffusion added
     - New: Live Chat ( feature added
     - New: Sensitive words filtering feature added
     - New: AI Chat search feature added
     - Update: Languages list scrolling updated
01.06.2023 - v2.1
     - New: Dark mode added
     - New: Template search feature added
     - New: Custom category description added
     - Update: Templates page updated
     - Fix: Ai Chat first response text missing fixed
28.05.2023 - v2.0
     - New: Stable Diffusion for AI Images added
     - New: AI Image Lightning style added
     - New: AI Image Artist selection added
     - New: Export user email list as csv/excel/pdf added
     - Update: User dashboard updated
     - Update: Favorite AI Chats added to dashboard
     - Update: Promocodes updated, now supports 100% discounts
     - Fix: Custom chat avatar issues fixed
     - Fix: CRON task daily value fixed
     - Fix: User profile subscription status text issue fixed
18.05.2023 - v1.9
     - Update: Template package system updated
     - Update: Ai Chat bot package system updated
     - Fix: Ai Chat bot css styling issues fixed
     - Fix: Ai Speech to Text file type blocking issue fixed
17.05.2023 - v1.8
     - New: 42 AI Chat Bots added
     - New: Unlimited Custom AI Chat Bots creation feature added
     - New: Premium/Standard/Free tier categories for templates and chats added
     - Update: Ai Code feature updated
     - Update: Ai Speech to Text feature updated
     - Update: CRON task for yearly/lifetime credit processing updated
     - Update: Add default credits to manually created users updated
     - Update: Enable/Disabling various features via subscription plan updated
     - Fix: Referral system BankTransfer payment fixed
     - Fix: Referral system payout buttons fixed
     - Fix: AI Speech to Text AWS and Wasabi storage issue fixed
23.04.2023 - v1.7
     - New: Lifetime plans added
     - New: Promocodes for Prepaid Plans and Lifetime Plans added
     - New: User Account deletion feature added
     - Update: Voiceover symlink dependency removed
     - Update: User Subscription table is separated from Transactions table in menu
     - Fix: Voiceover AWS storage issue fixed
     - Fix: AI Chat is visible to user and subscribers
     - Fix: AI Speech to Text storage issue fixed
     - Fix: AI Speech to Text minutes balance counter issue fixed
     - Fix: BankTransfer approval issue fixed
19.04.2023 - v1.6
     - Update: Davinci Settings: STT controls added and enabling Ai Code and AI Voiceover updated
     - Update: Adding characters and minutes via admin panel added
     - Update: Webhooks support for characters and minutes updated
     - Update: AI Chat download buttons added
     - Update: Free characters and minutes are added during registration updated
     - Update: Default Language and Voice is added to new user upon registration updated
     - Fix: Registration server error issue fixed
     - Fix: AI Chat and AI Voiceover are visible to users as well fixed
     - Fix: AI Chat stop if user runs out of characters fixed
     - Fix: Characters and Minutes are visible in Prepaid plans fixed
17.04.2023 - v1.5
     - New: AI Chat system added
     - New: AI Speech to Text with OpenAI Whisper added
     - New: AI Voiceover powered by Azure and GCP added
     - New: Ability to merge up to 20 AI voices for synthesize task option added
     - New: Generate up to 100K synthesize task option added
     - New: Voices customization option added
     - Update: All documents section updated
     - Update: Subscriptions plan creation updated
     - Fix: Razorpay webhook issue fixed
     - Fix: Paypal prepaid issue fixed
     - Fix: Bank Transfer referral - payment cancellation issue fixed
26.03.2023 - v1.4
     - New: GPT 4 (8K/32K) model added
     - New: Support for Thai, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian added
     - New: Amason S3 storage for AI Images added
     - New: Wasabi Cloud storage for AI Images added
     - New: AI Code feature added
     - New: Art Styles feature for AI Images added
     - New: Art  Medium feature for AI Images added
     - New: Art Mood feature for AI Images added
     - New: Custom category creation feature added
     - New: Custom template editor feature added
     - Update: Language file en.json with missing words updated
     - Update: Subscription plan cancellation keeps credits until depleted or renewed
     - Update: Login/Registration page copyright info removed
     - Update: Login page default credentials removed
     - Update: Ability to removing .00 in pricing added
     - Update: Stripe webhook controller updated
     - Update: Paypal webhook controller updated
     - Update: Coinbase webhook controller updated
     - Update: Razorpay webhook controller updated
     - Update: Paystack webhook controller updated
     - Fix: Razorpay prepaid plan payment issue fixed
     - Fix: Google 2FA issue fixed
     - Fix: Referral payment system tracks payment commissions correctly now
     - Fix: Copy referral link button fixed
     - Fix: Recover password page responsiveness fixed
     - Fix: User profile shows correct subscription between monthly or yearly now
09.03.2023 - v1.3
     - New: Unlimited custom templates creation feature added
     - New: ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo model added
     - New: Academic Essay template added
     - New: Welcome Email template added
     - New: Cold Email template added
     - New: Follow up Email template added
     - New: Creative Stories template added
     - New: Grammar Checker template added
     - New: Summarize for 2nd Grader template added
     - New: Video Scripts template added
     - New: Amazon Product Description template added
     - New: Templates filter feature added
     - New: Export in Text format added
     - Update: Result and Template view pages updated
     - Update: Auto save feature for text results removed
     - Update: AI Image results table updated
     - Update: All Documents table updated
     - Fix: User default workbook creation issue fixed
     - Fix: Workbooks page responsiveness improved
     - Fix: Login page default credentials removed
     - Fix: Login page responsiveness improved 
     - Fix: Support email link fixed
     - Fix: Referral email register link in the email fixed
21.02.2023 - v1.2
     - New: Support for Portuguese(Brazil), Slovenian, Vietnamese, Swahili, Romanian added
     - New: Problem-Agitate-Solution template added
     - New: Video Descriptions template added
     - New: Video Titles template added
     - New: Youtube Tags Generator template added
     - New: Instagram Captions template added
     - New: Instagram Hashtags Generator template added
     - New: Social Media Post (Personal) template added
     - New: Social Media Post (Business) template added
     - New: Facebook Headlines template added
     - New: Google Ads Headlines template added
     - New: Google Ads Description template added
     - Update: Templates styling updated
     - Update: Credit view within template and image generation added
     - Update: Translation file has been updated with missing words
     - Fix: Stripe 3D payment issue fixed
     - Fix: Bank Transfer payment issue fixed
     - Fix: Profile view monthly/yearly mix fixed
     - Fix: Missing icons on some hostings fixed
     - Fix: Blogs view excerpt updated, hide html tags fixed
16.02.2023 - v1.1
     - Update: Backend side menu user UX update
     - Update: Redirect users to Templates page
     - Update: Max text result number increase to 4K in Davinci settings
     - Fix: Workbooks view table fix
     - Fix: Subscribe button in user dashboard route fix
     - Fix: Default image credits assignment fix for new registered users
13.02.2023 - v1.0
     - Initial Release

© 2024 iNorden AI    –  Villkor   –   Integritet –  Post Box: NRH 609-J BILLO . 106 43 Stockholm . Sweden